Focused on Education & Preparation for Success
Cornerstone is dedicated to assisting in three key areas: Education, Preparation, and the Elimination of all Distractions. Student-athletes and their families who participate in the program benefit enormously by developing a clear understanding in the following areas:
- The pertinent NCAA, NFL, and NFLPA rules regarding amateurism, eligibility and contract-advisors (agents)
- The NFL scouting process (how and when it is done and everything that is evaluated)
- Utilizing all resources available to the student-athlete
- Agent recruiting practices
- Developing a structured plan in dealing with agent recruiting
- What to look for in an agent
- Having a plan for agent interviews
- Final agent selection: A Step by Step Approach
- Underclassmen: Early Draft Entry Considerations
- The management and elimination of distractions
- Life preparation: Managing all areas of the student-athlete's life... Being a pro
- Structure and discipline in both athletics and academics
- The NFL Draft (Facts and Myths)
- The real economics of playing professional football
- Understanding the rookie year in professional football
The Cornerstone goal is to help ensure that the student-athlete is focused on the right things throughout his collegiate experience. Distractions are a liability that neither the student-athlete nor the program can afford.
Our year-long, comprehensive approach has been built to minimize distractions while providing critical and time-sensitive information. Our experienced and tested program has been shown to work well within the football program's extremely busy schedule--and also with the student's demanding academic calendar.

To learn more—or to discuss any questions you might have—please call us at (703) 996-9308, email us at
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(and include your telephone number so we can call you back), or fill out the Contact Us form here.